Thursday, March 10, 2011

CONTEST: Now With More Chocolate!

            First of all, I’d like to thank my brave little commenters for making my day. Every one of your comments is like a dildo wrapped in a hug wrapped in a handsome man (which, coincidentally, is what I want for my birthday this year). I love you all and am fascinated by your sexy, sweaty, slippery rainbow of sexuality, so keep it coming (heh). 

This is what my vomit looks like after too many Starburst.
            To facilitate your participation in the discussion, or at least to award you for reading my lowly blog, I have a little gift.
            If it wasn’t pathetically obvious in my last whinefest of a post, I’m going through a bit of a dry spell. Not to worry --- I will wait it out, giant purple dildo in hand, but there is a wee problem. You see, I have an unopened 1 oz. container of Babeland edible body chocolate mocking me every time I open my naughty drawer. It’s telling me, ‘what are you gonna do? Lick chocolate off your own nipples?’
            Well, dear readers, my breasts just aren’t big enough for that. And being a young, liberal, waste-conscious young lady, I want to get rid of this stuff before it goes bad.  (In about 6 months. I'm predicting a long dry spell, friends.)

I've heard great things about the taste of this stuff. But I still feel weird opening it and spreading it on toast.

            So please! Those of you with bodies ready for the lickin’, those of you with access to eager tongues, leave a comment below! Tell me about your experiences (or lack thereof) with food in the bedroom. Tell me about that one time you ate chow mein off your partner’s bosom. Whatever works!
            Feel free to be anonymous in the comments, just email me a copy of your comment at ulterior.banana (at) gmail (dot) com so I know who you are.
            Another entry will go to anybody who mentions this contest on their blog. Just comment again below with the link to your mention. I want a slew of smut in my comments, people! 

only applicable to US readers. Sorry, guys, I can't afford international shipping! 


Michael McGraw - said...

I just realize there has only been the one time with food--a can or two of whipped cream with the Ex. We were secretly found out by her roommate what was up when she left us another can of whipped cream saying that it seemed like we might be out. A very distinctive whipped cream noise kept her awake.

Jane said...

I'll pass on the body chocolate and let it go to some other person, but I wanted to comment since it doesn't look like you're getting a lot of comments and I do think your blog is terrific. (unless maybe your comments are primarily emailed? Regardless, I like the blog, thus I must give props!)

It made me laugh when you mentioned licking chocolate off of your own nipples --you see, my relationship has been long distance for over 4 years (is still long distance in fact), so my experiences with food are primarily done to myself, with my partner watching via webcam. While my breasts are also not big enough to allow that exact image, I've definitely scooped whipped cream off of myself in front of a webcam. There was also the time he instructed me to fuck myself with a carrot --and then wash it off and eat it. Heh.