Friday, February 18, 2011

House Bars Planned Parenthood From Federal Funding


This is not acceptable. This is not allowed. Nobody is allowed to endanger your right to your body like this. Without the right resources, sexuality can lead to disrespect, disease, pregnancy. What this bill does is make sexuality, in particular female sexuality, dangerous.

This is NOT TRUE. It is not inherent of sexuality to be scary. It is not dangerous. Sexuality is healthy. It is a tool for empowerment, self-respect, and love. Of course, it has consequences, and those need to be heeded. But this bill does not prevent these consequences--- it fuels them. It makes sexuality the criminal when it is in fact every congressman who signed this bill and condemned sexuality to a place of fear and shame.

Most of all, without resources, sexuality becomes scary, confusing, and uncontrollable. And it loses its ability to endow its owner with positivity and power.

Why are we denying something so crucial to ourselves? How can any human do this to anybody else? It is not right. Planned Parenthood says it best:

How could you?
How could you betray millions of women — and men, and teens — who rely on Planned Parenthood for basic health care?
How could you condemn countless women in this country to undiagnosed cancer, unintended pregnancies, and untreated illnesses?
Your vote was not only against those who seek care at Planned Parenthood health centers, but against every one of us who has ever sought care there, and against every one of us who knows that when we are healthy, when we are in charge of our lives, we thrive.
It was a vote against me.
Please sign the petition, for the sake of all of us. 

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